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This is an incredibly stupid entry, so please don't read it.
2001-08-30 - 6:14 p.m.

Listening to:

Whew. In the past 72 hours I have tumbled into crush, broken a heart, seen a screaming-meemie-movie, waded in rainwater, auditioned for Shakespeare, cried my eyes out, and giggled until I fell out of a chair.

You'd think I'd have written something about it, but I kept waiting to have something to say.

My friend Sara says talking is a bad look for me. :oP But then, the choir director calls her Ellie Mae Clampett and I call her Urban Barbie, so her opinion doesn't count. :)

Monday a hug made me realize how much I've always liked... Sara's ex boyfriend. This is a very bad thing. Monday night I broke someone's heart and cried my pillow into a sponge. I never wanted it to come to that, and it makes me realize just why I tiptoed around it for so long.

Tuesday my newfound darling (we'll call him Boy with a capital B from now on, lest he ever stumble upon this mess) was so nice to me I almost broke. Ironic, that hurting someone else indirectly brought the one I wanted into reach.

My Dorks are adorably optimistic about The Boy, but they always are. It's what makes them friends. I just know Boy will never crumble me the way Charlie Brown did, so at least that much is secure. (though, haha... that's what I said about It before)

It's a popcorn-and-cocoa day, meaning the grasslands are muddy sludge and walking a hundred yards got me soaked to the skin. I love rain- just not in my socks.

Sat around with friends having the best kind of conversations- the unplanned ones, with goofiness and inside jokes and putty (there has to be putty, otherwise there can be no aimless shaping of the putty into a tube and the resulting fellatio jokes). My new crush made me laugh so hard I tumbled out of my chair (I had it leaning backward, and lifted my feet, so down I went).

We all went to a movie: The Others. It made me scream. Three times. I immediately giggled after every scream, and even the audience was laughing at me by the end. Good times. Good times with creepy fog-eyed blind ladies.

I auditioned for a Shakespearean play- "A Comedy of Errors," along with about a dozen other students and maybe a dozen more professional actors. I am so not going to get a part. Though my friends say my Abbess was downright sultry. So yay for Katie the Sexy Nun.

Nothing else to say. Insights can wait until tomorrow.

HA! I told you not to read it. My idiocy knows no depths.

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