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The Brat List
2004-11-30 - 9:25 p.m.

Feeling: greedy
Listening to: Lisa Loeb - Snow Day
Reading/Watching: The Devil Wears Prada - Lauren Weisberger

a.k.a. The Things I Would Buy if I Had All the Money in the World

1) all the Toblerone and Ferrero Rocher I could eat. No one cares about fat if you're rich. Exhibit A, Anna-Nicole Smith.

2) a big-ass bookstore, like Borders or B&N. Everything in it. Top to bottom. And then I'd sit on one of those plush reading chairs, prop my feet up, and read each one, Austen to Zinsser.

3) three years graduate school, possibly throw in a bonus year for a PhD. Might get a bachelor's in english literature and creative writing, too, for kicks. And then I'd still not be able to find a job that made any decent sort of money.

4) A yellow (or lime green) VW bug I could stencil with purple butterflies (and thus own the Most Annoyingly Chipper Car in the Universe)

5) a 14-foot black Steinway, so that it could park in my living room and completely block any pathways through to the other half of the apartment. We'd sleep on the floor and gaze at the lovely grand piano. We'd also have to break our habit of going to the bathroom, of course.

6) a car charger for my cellphone. I never thought I'd need one, but three times now, I've been stranded across town from my apartment, on the phone with someone, about to make plans to meet somewhere, when *click*. Battery dies. Evil evil.

7) a watch that I didn't buy for myself at Wal-Mart. My current beauty cost me $6.47 two months ago, and the gold finish is almost entirely rubbed off.

8) a how-to book on knitting, a pair of needles, and some pretty yarn. I'd make hats for my friends with fifty-dollar bills woven into them. And, you know, a tasselled scarf of hundreds for myself.

9) some new jeans & undies. Good. God. The old ones have holes in some of the most uncouth places... it's embarrassing, soon they'll be calling me St. Katie of the Holey Panties. (Yes, Miller, I can already guess how you will mention the subject tomorrow, most likely in public, but the subject has become so dire that I don't care.)

10) DVD collections of all my TV addictions, namely seasons 1-4 of Angel and 1-2 of Gilmore Girls. One of these days I should just give in and get myself Buffy s.1, since I'm already in possession of 2-7. I thought about adding Smallville to the list, but you know? Although Tom Welling is very, very pretty, I doubt I'd actually ever sit down through hour after hour of his non-acting just for brief glimpses of his abdominal muscles.

11) Music. Oh, the music. Caedmon's Call (Back Home), Jars of Clay (Who We Are & 11th Hour), A Perfect Circle (Thirteenth Step), Jump (Dim & the Dark), Vertical Horizon (Running on Ice), Breaking Benjamin (We Are Not Alone), Velvet Revolver, Jeff Buckley (Mystery White Boy), The Shins, Nick Drake, Iron and Wine, Frou Frou, etc. Goovie also tends to make me feel extremely under-cultured when it comes to music, so I'd probably send her an order form that she could just fill with what I need to round myself out. (Carey, you are completely invited to comment with addendums to my CD list.)

12) Tickets to see Josh Groban next year. He's a guilty pleasure, but his voice is purdy and we wantssss it.

13) And, as always, Europe. Vacation.

Thus ends my delusional fit of hedonism. P.S. in case you were wondering, parts of my Christmas list are included in there.

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