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Tori at the Majestic, Oyster Bake
2003-04-26 - 10:10 p.m.

Feeling: depleted
Listening to: big ugly music festival noise
Reading/Watching: nothing

I cannot say enough things about Friday night.

We came, we saw, I was smitten with opener Rhett Miller and his waggly knees and floppy hair, and am now downloading his songs.

Then. Lights down. My t-shirt already purchased (thirty-five dollars, good God), upright and tense in my seat, we hear the recorded "Wampum Prayer" and the curtain comes up on John Evans and Matt Chamberlain, beginning (what else?) "A Sorta Fairytale." She comes out halfway through the intro, in green and red and gold, and of course we are a howling gale drowning out all sound as soon as we see her walking.

I can't remember the exact order, but she played "Bliss" second (which was, strangely, the only thing she did from Venus), and from Scarlet came the majority of course, including: Amber Waves, Sweet Sangria, Wednesday, and a few others that I can't remember, still being somewhat new with her latest, and I believe she also threw in a few unknowns (at least to me) from Y Kant Tori Read. From Choirgirl came Black Dove, Iieee, Hotel, and Playboy Mommy. Pele was featured with Horses, Caught a Lite Sneeze, and the original version of Talula. On Pink: Past the Mission, Baker Baker (I cried. I heard several girls around me sniffling. It was heart-breaking), and Cornflake Girl. And the ones I went positively apeshnit for, from Earthquakes, she played Mother and ~*Precious Things*~.

At this point, I truly feel that I could never go to a concert again and still be happy. It was just so. No words. I sang along (silently) with virtually every word. I could not hold still. I was on my feet, I was poised to spring, I was enthralled. And yes, I am damn proud to be this much into her music.

Looking across the Majestic to where Nimsay was sitting, I would catch her eye, still lip-synching, and we would laugh at the expression on each other's faces.

Afterward, I was so giddy the waiter at IHOP thought I was drunk when we stopped for tea and stuffed french toast. Came home late late, did not get enough sleep, worked six hours at Oyster Bake this weekend, sunburned to magenta in a fabulous farmer-tan, in a V-ring around my neck and from the elbows down. Blimey.

In an hour is the Orthodox Easter liturgy, which parishioners estimate will take until 3 a.m. Thank goodness I'm paid by the hour. Then tomorrow morning is the usual 9:30 liturgy.

I badly want to take a nap, to ease my ankles and feet which have loyally supported me all day, but Fastball is playing too loudly out on the soccer field for sleep anyway, and I need to get going soon.

And Nimsay and I put down a deposit on an apartment. I think this is the one, folks.

Oh, and Bri wanted to give the Air Force Boy tickets to Buzzfest for his birthday, but sadly, I checked the website and it is sold out. Mrph. Didn't think the Pavilion could be sold out.

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