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2002-11-01 - 1:58 a.m.

Feeling: Stuffed. with pizza, though, not candy
Listening to: Tori Amos, "Scarlet's Walk"
Reading/Watching: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I need brain candy.

Frigging A.

I typed out this long, cute entry, before it dared to tell me there was already an entry entitled Halloween and I had to change it. But I wanted to go back and re-fill out those optional fields, otherwise they come out blank, and I lost the whole damn entry.

To re-cap. Gave out bags of candy to my too-old-to-trick-or-treat friends, including a cute little stuffed bat to Drew (just to be evil, you understand). It had a pink belly and wings lined in purple. I told him it was a Fruit Bat. He giggled like Winnie the Pooh, then tried to be irritated about it later, but the fa�ade was worthless; I knew he loved it.

I bought the new Tori CD, whoooo! It is fun. 11.99 at Best Buy. And Kristina paid 14.99 plus shipping to get hers on advance order and it only arrived in the mail today. :o�

Went to two scary-movie screenings, one at Bri's, one in the music lab with the other band & choir geeks. Saw Village of the Damned, and in my opinion, those kids were just pissed off about their ugly-ass haircuts. Get them a new stylist, and voila, no more glowing red eyes and self-autopsies.

Plus, it ticked me off that the scriptwriter had to be such a pyro. It's bad enough that the crazy townswoman sets herself on fire. But do we really need to see the charred corpse twice? Briana was practically crying. Can't think what kind of memories that cooked up for her. Not funny at all.

And I saw The Exorcist. It didn't quite live up to its reputation. Maybe it didn't help that I saw it with a bunch of sarcastic college students, but really. It's not scary enough when you know God's gonna win, because honestly, did you think He wouldn't?

Eh bien. And I had a really good conversation with Harry last night. He called saying he'd had a dream that I was screaming, and wanted to make sure I was okay. I told him I was fine, and he started apologizing. Not in a begging way, just quiet, honest, and he said he hoped that someday I'd be able to forgive him.

I told him I already had, even before I broke up with him. The one thing I couldn't do was forget, which made it impossible to trust him in the same way, which made it impossible to continue a relationship. He fell silent when I said that, and then we began to really talk. I told him that we wouldn't be losing much by just being friends ("for your information, I am one kick-ass friend"). He'd apparently thought "just friends" was another word for "never talk again, but in a friendly way."

I think there's hope for him. And for me. Just not for us as an "us." I think he realizes it, too. This could wind up being salvageable, after all.

And I feel completely justified in hiding from him how much I'll miss kissing him. (Before you start talking about the potential pitfalls evident in that statement, save it. I know. I don't plan to act on it. I plan to let it die.)

But anyway. Happy Halloween.

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