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Let's pretend a string...
2004-08-05 - 1:23 a.m.

Feeling: amorous
Listening to: Sense Field - Found You
Reading/Watching: I Robot... can't pick a favorite quote.

Sometimes I miss him ridiculously. I mean, come on, I saw him Monday. It's not exactly the far-reaching devotion of Ada and Inman (by the way, I hated reading Cold Mountain, and refuse to see the movie).

But back on topic. Or non-topic, as it were.

I almost turned down a chance to have dinner with Bri and go see I Robot on the slight chance that he might call. But I told myself I was being silly, and went to see the movie, which I enjoyed, even though it was slightly annoying how many Wil-Smith-practically-naked shots there were. I thought this was supposed to be an intellectual movie about tech vs. human stuff, not a beefcake action flick.

Side note: Alan Tudyk is a good actor even when he's the voice of a blue-eyed artificial life form.

So I get out of the movie, and he didn't call. And it's too late to drop by. And my sternum hurts from how hard my heart is straining to return to him. (And now my mouth is full of how sickeningly sugary that last statement was.)

I comfort myself with the fact that tomorrow is my last day of work. After I get out at 8:30, I will pounce him and kiss him silly.

Poor boy, he'll never know what hit him. There'll just be a few scraps of uniform and black boots left in my wake.

...reminded of a poem I wrote back in sophomore year...

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