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Disjointed entry
2003-08-28 - 8:55 p.m.

Feeling: Tired / Wired
Listening to: Relient K - Sadie Hawkins Dance
Reading/Watching: nothing. Lala, Cold Mountain was depressing. He came so far! *Why* did he have to die?! Sending it back to you now.

Okay, in short:

- Satan decided to read my journal six months back, and apparently thinks my most vulnerable thoughts are *funny*. Nice to know I amuse you.

- Edited the next morning to add: Okay, so he meant funny in a non-mocking way. Bitterness retracted.

- I came home from choir practice with anger (concerning aforementioned events) welling up so strong on my tongue, I had to lock my door and turn "You're Pretty" up to volume 24. When I'd screamed and sobbed and slam-danced and sung enough, I came out pensive and drained (and hoarse) to find Nimsay silently waiting in the hallway, eyes searching. Sorry; I know I'm a nutcase sometimes. But you know I do it my way so nothing gets broken, 'cept maybe my vocal cords.

- Buffyfest s.3 is still on for tonight in Katie's Living Room. Bring your sleeping bags and pizza money. Eee, Faith & Wesley cometh.

- My laptop is acting weird and it's scaring me (it's stuck in safe mode, tries to install some nonexistent Office file every time I boot up, and the Display option has disappeared from Control Panel. This. is. not. good.) I think I'm taking it in tomorrow morning to be re-formatted with Win XP, once I've backed up my hard drive on CDs.

- I just realized the word file for DCMI is on a corrupted floppy. Praying the CDs don't get screwed up somehow; they're my last chance. I can not lose my book.

- Damn, I have a lot of mp3s. Looks like I'll just save 900 or so of the 1200. Some of them were getting a bit old anyway. (Ha, just try and find me, RIAA.)

- Next morning: Woke up promptly at FOUR A.M. and gave up on sleeping at five, so I am using the dinosaur PC at work in the honors office, and getting a strong sense of last-summer d�ja vu as the sun rises out the window.

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