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Vacation For My Duff
2003-07-02 - 11:09 p.m.

Feeling: competent
Listening to: Vienna Teng - Unwritten Letter #1
Reading/Watching: anything. everything! I HAVE MY BOOKS NOW!!!11

Ahhh, memories. Someone found my journal by searching Google for "Mandy Moore cup size" (some people...), and came across an entry which houses the timeless: "Hello, I'm Johnny, I'm 19 and I'm too cool for you with my spiky-hairedness." ::thonk::

Giggle. Amazing, the things that still apply two years later.

Today, I got off my duff and got down to "bidness," as my older brother is fond of saying. Aforementioned duff woke me at nine a.m., so I decided to get off of it and was dressed and ready for the day at an all-time vacation-day record of 10 a.m. (Just so you know, it's not that I'm lazy, but if I have no particular reason to shuck my PJs before noon or so, I don't. They're cozy, and deserve to be worn more than eight hours of the twenty-four.)

I packed up the trundle bed I'd been sleeping on until my real bed arrived, thus doubling the floor space in my bedroom, and moved the Official Bed into the proper corner, then took all the crap off the floor and put it either under the bed in boxes where it belongs, or on spare shelves at the veryverytop of Nimsay's closet, which are so high that no one can reach them but me, anyway. Then I went out in search of several things.

First, work schedule. Not ready yet. Sigh. Then, reasonably-priced desk. No luck (nothing under $100, anyway), although I did buy chair pads for the dining room, a random dress on sale, and a little box of chocolates to bring Bri when I visited her in the hospital, except they melted in the car and I wound up putting the humiliated little squishy blobs in my freezer to eat later.

Then, the bookshelf. Did you know that if a reasonably healthy-looking woman of decently young age is seen carrying around a large box in a hardware store without any apparent difficulty, practically every man in sight will offer to help her carry it for fear of her dropping it? It's quite funny. One of the store clerks ran to the front of the store to get a shopping cart for me when I refused his assistance, even though I'd foregone the cart for the very reason that I only needed one item.

But no; he smiled and put the large, flat box of deconstructed bookshelf in my cart diagonally, so that it jutted a full foot above my head, thus effectively blocking my view and making it even more difficult to maneuver around the store. Now that's true customer service.

But hey, I got it out of the store and home without incident, put it together allbymyself, complete with hammering in various screw covers and screwing on metal plates on the back to affix each shelf in place. It's nifty putting together furniture; makes me feel all empowered.

Plus, now I have six gorgeous feet of ebony bookshelf to pack end to end with my oddball library... starting tomorrow.

My duff welcomed the breather from the computer chair, or so it tells me.

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