2005-08-24 - When all else fails, music gets a C+
2005-08-23 - Femalia Frugalia, Senior
2005-08-22 - Mirror's Girl
2005-08-20 - no subject
2005-08-15 - I'm having a Monday.
2005-08-13 - Just Nod and Smile
2005-08-09 - Reporting for Duty
2005-08-06 - Baby's First Stab Wound
2005-08-04 - Insomnia
2005-08-03 - Decision
2005-07-31 - The Ring and the River
2005-07-27 - My New Friend
2005-07-25 - I hab a terrible code id by doze.
2005-07-22 - Anorexic Bookworm
2005-07-20 - Casting Call
2005-07-18 - Rebuttal
2005-07-18 - in the doorway between leaving and coming back
2005-07-17 - Sponsor Couple: check
2005-07-16 - Prospective Roommates
2005-07-14 - Squatter
2005-07-12 - The Permanence of Purple
2005-07-09 - WoW
2005-07-06 - Increase of Happiness
2005-07-02 - Inspiring and Embarrassing
2005-06-28 - Good News
2005-06-28 - Comments Spamming
2005-06-27 - MIT Weblog Survey
2005-06-27 - Names
2005-06-26 - The Proper Preparation of Poppers
2005-06-25 - A Place Like Home
2005-06-19 - Application for Blogification
2005-06-18 - Dismissive
2005-06-17 - The Power of Casual-Dressy
2005-06-16 - Private Entry.
2005-06-14 - Anti-Productivity
2005-06-13 - Insufficient Life History
2005-06-12 - Unwinding
2005-06-11 - Can my inbox sue for religious persecution?
2005-06-09 - Luna Pitches a Fit
2005-06-08 - Joyeux Anniversaire
2005-06-06 - End Drama. Exeunt.
2005-06-04 - Jumping the Gun (and the entire starting block)
2005-06-01 - Promising Beads
2005-05-31 - Five Years of MegMarch
2005-05-30 - Public Service Announcement
2005-05-28 - Why This Isn't the Anniversary Entry
2005-05-24 - Twenty-three
2005-05-23 - Brownie Points
2005-05-19 - Southland in the Springtime
2005-05-18 - Digital Tourniquet
2005-05-17 - What Comes of Romantic Walks in the Mud
2005-05-14 - This Way

Back to Most Recent Entry

2010 (Breaking New Ground)

2009 (Things Fall Apart)
2008 (Spring Board)
2007 (Drawing Board)
Fall 2006 (Working Girl)
Summer 2006 (Married Lady)
Spring 2006 (Wedding Season)
Fall 2005 (What now?)
Summer 2005
Spring 2005 (Graduating)
Fall 2004 (Graduating)
Summer 2004
Spring 2004 (Senior)
Fall 2003 (Senior)
Summer 2003
Spring 2003 (Junior)
Fall 2002 (Junior)
Summer 2002
Spring 2002 (Sophomore)
Fall 2001 (Sophomore)
Summer 2001
Spring 2001 (Freshman)
Fall 2000 (Freshman)
Summer 2000

Dollars for Dante