2005-01-08 - Killed the Cat
2005-01-05 - Mysterious Origami
2005-01-03 - Song Lyric Meme
2005-01-01 - Chutzpah
2004-12-30 - Five movies in 48 hours
2004-12-28 - The past three days, in snapshots
2004-12-24 - Political Commentary
2004-12-23 - Relaxed and Groovy
2004-12-21 - Proof that I am dating Peter Pan
2004-12-18 - Miller
2004-12-17 - The 'After' Picture
2004-12-12 - Do Not Disturb
2004-12-10 - Childhood
2004-12-09 - Trichotillomania
2004-12-03 - What happens when there is so much nothing to do that I go insane.
2004-11-30 - The Brat List
2004-11-29 - Budgeting Out Loud (pay no attention; it's dull)
2004-11-27 - Thanksgiving
2004-11-23 - When last we saw our heroes... a Definitive Cast List
2004-11-22 - Not as thunk as drinkle peep I am.
2004-11-22 - Much Ado About Nothing
2004-11-21 - Before Sunrise
2004-11-16 - Public Service Announcement
2004-11-16 - Again, again, again.
2004-11-11 - Vote Early, Vote Often
2004-11-10 - Color Quiz
2004-11-07 - I really hope this doesn't embarrass her.
2004-11-04 - Because I'm too depressed to talk about politics
2004-11-02 - Swing Shift
2004-10-31 - Futility
2004-10-27 - Annoying Habits of Humanity
2004-10-23 - Flaw
2004-10-21 - Catching Up
2004-10-20 - The Way Things Go
2004-10-18 - So Much For That
2004-10-16 - Comes in Threes
2004-10-14 - Boorish
2004-10-13 - I'm famous.
2004-10-12 - Always I come back to this.
2004-10-09 - The return to civilization... er, or transportation.
2004-10-05 - Studious
2004-10-03 - "Sometimes I just shouldn't say words."
2004-10-01 - Lemonade
2004-09-30 - Late
2004-09-27 - Me + Breakfast + Good Book = Contentment
2004-09-23 - Big Organized Jewishness
2004-09-21 - Progress
2004-09-18 - Devotees
2004-09-16 - Consonance
2004-09-12 - Psychonosyintrusivity (this word does not actually exist)
2004-09-09 - Ten Things
2004-09-08 - (no subject)
2004-09-07 - Vanity and Nostalgia
2004-09-05 - fried Green tomato
2004-09-04 - Senior Syndrome
2004-09-03 - "Excuse me, perhaps I can help. I speak Jive."
2004-08-31 - D�shabill�
2004-08-28 - Post-Whine
2004-08-27 - Ivory Tower Queen
2004-08-26 - Victim
2004-08-25 - As You Were

Back to Most Recent Entry

2010 (Breaking New Ground)

2009 (Things Fall Apart)
2008 (Spring Board)
2007 (Drawing Board)
Fall 2006 (Working Girl)
Summer 2006 (Married Lady)
Spring 2006 (Wedding Season)
Fall 2005 (What now?)
Summer 2005
Spring 2005 (Graduating)
Fall 2004 (Graduating)
Summer 2004
Spring 2004 (Senior)
Fall 2003 (Senior)
Summer 2003
Spring 2003 (Junior)
Fall 2002 (Junior)
Summer 2002
Spring 2002 (Sophomore)
Fall 2001 (Sophomore)
Summer 2001
Spring 2001 (Freshman)
Fall 2000 (Freshman)
Summer 2000

Dollars for Dante