Getting My Days and Nights Mixed Up (as mother would say)
2003-12-31 - New Year's Meme
2003-12-30 - A Book By its Cover
2003-12-27 - For Lack of Speaking
2003-12-25 - Heredity
2003-12-24 - Early Bird Special
2003-12-21 - Leaving/Going Home
2003-12-20 - And now for something completely different...
2003-12-20 - Grrr, arrrgh, mrph, etc.
2003-12-18 - LotR: RotK... (if you don't know what that means, you're on the wrong planet)
2003-12-15 - Leave a message
2003-12-14 - Less money for Christmas shopping...
2003-12-13 - Bleh
2003-12-12 - My head feels like a football... does it look like a football?
2003-12-11 - Perpetual Childhood
2003-12-07 - "Leaving you with such an angry mouth"
2003-12-07 - Sunday Conversation
2003-12-05 - Ways to Amuse Oneself at 1:30 in the Morning
2003-12-02 - Tales of a Recovered Caterpillar
2003-12-01 - Mrph
2003-11-30 - Katie Gets New Shoes
2003-11-29 - Message for Lynne
2003-11-29 - Reserved
2003-11-28 - Danger! Madness! Retreeeeat!!
2003-11-26 - Kin Collision
2003-11-26 - Five more hours
2003-11-25 - Take the Quiz
2003-11-24 - Updating before readers call Missing Persons
2003-11-20 - "build your pedestal, honey, 'cause no one's got it ready for you with your neck so high"
2003-11-18 - Word of the DayWeekMonthYear
2003-11-16 - My morning, so far
2003-11-12 - "My new tango shoes, they are my treasure..."
2003-11-10 - About Strange Lands and People
2003-11-10 - Long Night
2003-11-05 - Bad News
2003-11-05 - Boyfriends, Booths, Bubbles.
2003-11-03 - In a hundred years
2003-10-31 - The Progressive Effects of Sleep Deprivation
2003-10-29 - Gradual Decompression
2003-10-28 - In memoriam
2003-10-26 - All this, with an extra hour
2003-10-23 - Slipping Farther
2003-10-23 - "What keeps you awake? The sun will rise, so keep your mind at ease."
2003-10-21 - "The fundamental things apply, as time goes by."
2003-10-20 - Been here, done this.
2003-10-19 - Lost Cause
2003-10-18 - Halloweeny
2003-10-16 - "So don't tell me why he's never been good to you..."
2003-10-12 - "What a Glorious Feeling, I'm Happy Again"
2003-10-11 - Battery
2003-10-10 - Sleep is just our excuse to kill eight hours of time.
2003-10-08 - Wee Hours
2003-10-06 - Last of the High Holiday Marathons
2003-10-04 - Acknowledgments
2003-10-01 - (no subject)
2003-09-30 - Since nothing of note happened today, I shall proceed to tell you all the things that happened of non-note...
2003-09-29 - Sub-Someone
2003-09-28 - Feh, feh
2003-09-26 - Happy
2003-09-24 - Odd
2003-09-22 - Putting the "vile" in "violin"
2003-09-20 - The entry that will probably get a LOT of Google hits...
2003-09-19 - Mrph
2003-09-18 - Rain and Good Moods (and the direct correlation between the two)
2003-09-16 - Let me be fire
2003-09-15 - Designed to Smile
2003-09-14 - Burned Bridges
2003-09-13 - How
2003-09-12 - I need not to need...
2003-09-11 - Commemorative
2003-09-10 - Evanescence at Sunken Gardens
2003-09-09 - Ampersand - Knives
2003-09-08 - Recurring
2003-09-07 - The Invention of Spellcon
2003-09-05 - Petty
2003-09-04 - By Association
2003-09-03 - Downpour
2003-09-02 - For the first time
2003-09-01 - Hello, responsibility
2003-08-31 - Last Straw
2003-08-30 - This silence has to end.
2003-08-28 - Disjointed entry
2003-08-27 - Larceny Strikes Back
2003-08-25 - Sandals are fun
2003-08-24 - If I were
2003-08-21 - Determinedly Happy
2003-08-19 - It's weird, being a *senior* now.

Back to Most Recent Entry

2010 (Breaking New Ground)

2009 (Things Fall Apart)
2008 (Spring Board)
2007 (Drawing Board)
Fall 2006 (Working Girl)
Summer 2006 (Married Lady)
Spring 2006 (Wedding Season)
Fall 2005 (What now?)
Summer 2005
Spring 2005 (Graduating)
Fall 2004 (Graduating)
Summer 2004
Spring 2004 (Senior)
Fall 2003 (Senior)
Summer 2003
Spring 2003 (Junior)
Fall 2002 (Junior)
Summer 2002
Spring 2002 (Sophomore)
Fall 2001 (Sophomore)
Summer 2001
Spring 2001 (Freshman)
Fall 2000 (Freshman)
Summer 2000

Dollars for Dante