The Ballad of Baby Bucket
2009-12-10 - So beautiful here... this moment now. And this moment now.
2009-12-08 - Putting the *Pro* in Procrastination
2009-12-04 - No Does NOT Mean Yes
2009-12-03 - Normal Abnormalcy
2009-12-01 - Red Zone
2009-11-29 - Psychodreambabble
2009-11-20 - MISSING: Security Blanket
2009-11-19 - Decision
2009-11-15 - Lost
2009-11-13 - Cool mornings and long days
2009-11-06 - The Never-Step
2009-10-26 - Dante Has a Buddy
2009-10-15 - The Green House on Greenvale
2009-10-04 - Dante Needs a Buddy
2009-09-28 - Blind Spot
2009-09-21 - What's been missing
2009-09-14 - Current Events
2009-09-10 - Enter Sandman
2009-09-04 - Wow, more good
2009-08-30 - Good Things, continued
2009-08-24 - Good Things are not to be trusted
2009-08-18 - The Dailies
2009-08-15 - Think I'll Go to Boston
2009-08-08 - Lazy morning
2009-08-05 - Cygnet in Swan's Clothing
2009-07-31 - Don't Look at Me That Way
2009-07-28 - Inscrutable
2009-07-25 - Lost in Transition
2009-07-23 - Vacancy
2009-07-19 - Falling Action
2009-07-08 - The End
2009-07-04 - The Vigil
2009-06-25 - An Overuse of Exclamation Points
2009-06-19 - Las Vegas, or: a Much-Needed Escape
2009-06-10 - The Forest
2009-06-04 - Hagmaids
2009-05-28 - Unreasonable Levels of Hope
2009-05-28 - Schoolhouse Rock Live! a memoir
2009-05-19 - Life Imitates Art
2009-05-12 - Rending and repairing
2009-05-07 - Good things
2009-05-06 - Passive Aggressive
2009-04-30 - 3 years
2009-04-28 - Curveball
2009-04-22 - Mercurial
2009-04-14 - Fraudulent
2009-04-06 - Trapped
2009-04-05 - Re-connecting
2009-04-03 - So, there's that.
2009-03-31 - Preparations
2009-03-29 - Creating a New Normal
2009-03-24 - Wicker Chair Insomnia
2009-03-22 - Things Let Fall
2009-03-19 - Professional
2009-03-17 - Defying Gravity
2009-03-15 - Gentlemen, start your engines
2009-03-12 - Theme Song for the moment
2009-03-11 - Stomach Concerto Number 2
2009-03-09 - Banshee
2009-03-04 - Of Broken Camels
2009-02-24 - Contradiction in terms
2009-02-23 - Baby steps
2009-02-20 - Turning point of sorts
2009-02-16 - Crippled
2009-02-15 - Other End of the Spectrum
2009-02-13 - Backing off
2009-02-10 - All signs point to
2009-02-08 - A step in some sort of direction
2009-02-03 - To Whom it May Concern
2009-02-02 - Oh blah dee, oh blah dah...
2009-01-30 - Stasis in Uncertainty
2009-01-28 - Monkey's Paw
2009-01-25 - Decision
2009-01-21 - Escape
2009-01-19 - Please
2009-01-19 - Conversations with Good People
2009-01-14 - Stalemate
2009-01-13 - Self-Analysis
2009-01-08 - Inches from infanticide
2009-01-06 - Explanation
2009-01-03 - Commencing Countdown

Back to Most Recent Entry

2010 (Breaking New Ground)

2009 (Things Fall Apart)
2008 (Spring Board)
2007 (Drawing Board)
Fall 2006 (Working Girl)
Summer 2006 (Married Lady)
Spring 2006 (Wedding Season)
Fall 2005 (What now?)
Summer 2005
Spring 2005 (Graduating)
Fall 2004 (Graduating)
Summer 2004
Spring 2004 (Senior)
Fall 2003 (Senior)
Summer 2003
Spring 2003 (Junior)
Fall 2002 (Junior)
Summer 2002
Spring 2002 (Sophomore)
Fall 2001 (Sophomore)
Summer 2001
Spring 2001 (Freshman)
Fall 2000 (Freshman)
Summer 2000

Dollars for Dante