And now, for something completely different
2007-12-19 - We have liftoff
2007-12-10 - After the Great Flood
2007-12-08 - One Less Thing to Worry About
2007-12-03 - Curriculum is starting to sound a lot like another C-word I know...
2007-12-02 - A Wine Wedding
2007-11-29 - Not Dead
2007-11-22 - Little Red Thanksgiving
2007-11-18 - Victory in small doses
2007-11-10 - Hang in There, is what they say
2007-11-05 - Memorable Quote
2007-11-04 - Professionalism meets Wants-to-Kick-Your-Ass-ism
2007-10-29 - Begging for scraps has officially become obsolete
2007-10-28 - One week down, 27 to go...
2007-10-23 - Saving Grace
2007-10-22 - First Day
2007-10-21 - Of Lists and Worms
2007-10-12 - A Twist in the Plot
2007-10-09 - Daily Hyperventilation
2007-10-03 - Cottoning On
2007-09-20 - Overachiever, the Dark Side
2007-09-16 - Thank Goodness
2007-09-12 - A look inside my head...
2007-09-10 - Damocles in Bed
2007-09-06 - Almond Bath
2007-09-05 - Call for Advice
2007-08-29 - Cheap Substitute for Dialing
2007-08-24 - But what do I know?
2007-08-20 - 25 Things
2007-08-17 - Future Road Splatters of America
2007-08-08 - Last Ave Maria
2007-08-06 - Sorry to bum everyone out
2007-08-01 - The Fun of Inspiring Pancake Splatters
2007-07-31 - Something I wish I had on a placard around my neck.
2007-07-29 - A Meaning to Which No Pebble Ever Aspires
2007-07-25 - Apology
2007-07-25 - HP7, the Katie's Notes Version
2007-07-25 - End of an Era
2007-07-16 - Contradicting Interests
2007-07-15 - Smelling the Roses
2007-07-09 - Hidden
2007-06-29 - Recipe for a Day
2007-06-26 - Futonnnn
2007-06-23 - Cuteness
2007-06-11 - Our lovely schizophrenic pooch
2007-06-09 - The Feminine Complex
2007-06-09 - Allegra
2007-06-07 - Tomorrow
2007-06-06 - Under the Car Seat
2007-06-02 - Summer of Tank Top Rebellion
2007-06-01 - The Relief of Stepping Back
2007-05-30 - Opportunity Wallops
2007-05-29 - Cowardice
2007-05-23 - Tomorrow...
2007-05-15 - Down to my widdle toesies
2007-05-14 - Survey stolen from Kerry
2007-05-11 - Rebellion
2007-05-10 - Penisless = Puny
2007-05-06 - Nature Walk with Meg March
2007-05-04 - Schwalbennester sounds (and looks) like a dirty word
2007-05-04 - Floodplain
2007-05-01 - 525,600 minutes
2007-04-26 - Do it! Do it!
2007-04-25 - Grad School is a go. Money is not.
2007-04-23 - Queso and Squash, or Katie's Culinary Adventures
2007-04-19 - Grateful
2007-04-18 - Big money, and big blogs
2007-04-17 - Ironic Turnaround... and around.
2007-04-12 - And now, for day 5...
2007-04-11 - Change is Good (I hope)
2007-04-05 - Because it is awesome
2007-04-01 - The April Fool
2007-03-31 - One of those days in which you get enough stories to last a week.
2007-03-30 - Because you were so very curious
2007-03-25 - Magic Beans
2007-03-22 - Carrying on
2007-03-17 - Clock in, clock out
2007-03-12 - Warning
2007-03-08 - Downtime and upswings
2007-03-07 - So many shows, so little time
2007-03-03 - Downsides
2007-02-27 - Someday this will be called the first sign of my mental instability.
2007-02-26 - Good News
2007-02-18 - Alarming or Alluring
2007-02-17 - A Challenge to Women Everywhere
2007-02-12 - You don't have to be single to be annoyed with VD
2007-02-05 - To-Do List
2007-02-04 - Passive Aggressiveness in the Workplace
2007-02-01 - The absence of never was
2007-01-30 - The Gestation Period of a Human
2007-01-29 - New Car, and New Resolutions
2007-01-27 - Inactive
2007-01-26 - I would like, if I may, to take you on a strange journey...
2007-01-21 - One step forward, two steps back
2007-01-19 - Murderess
2007-01-17 - Inclement Weather
2007-01-14 - Musical Messages From Beyond
2007-01-12 - Seulement
2007-01-07 - A Post-Christmas Shopping Commentary
2007-01-03 - Survivor's Guilt
2007-01-03 - Satan-sitting

Back to Most Recent Entry

2010 (Breaking New Ground)

2009 (Things Fall Apart)
2008 (Spring Board)
2007 (Drawing Board)
Fall 2006 (Working Girl)
Summer 2006 (Married Lady)
Spring 2006 (Wedding Season)
Fall 2005 (What now?)
Summer 2005
Spring 2005 (Graduating)
Fall 2004 (Graduating)
Summer 2004
Spring 2004 (Senior)
Fall 2003 (Senior)
Summer 2003
Spring 2003 (Junior)
Fall 2002 (Junior)
Summer 2002
Spring 2002 (Sophomore)
Fall 2001 (Sophomore)
Summer 2001
Spring 2001 (Freshman)
Fall 2000 (Freshman)
Summer 2000

Dollars for Dante